Heading Towards the Promised Land

Hello, workout buddy. Just a quick note today. My better half and I are booking a Fitspiration Trip to an exotic beach. Haven’t settled on a location but so far the contenders are Spain or Greece. The idea is to go over Labor Day weekend and be in awesome shape. I’ve been doing a High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) class three days a week and I love it! This weekend a girlfriend of mine offered to start lifting with me on Tues/Thursday. In the time remaining until our trip (about 7 weeks), I want a firm stomach, toned thighs, and defined arms. Seven weeks- totally doable. From where I am now:

Monday/Wednesday/Friday- HIIT class at 6:00
+Monday/Wednesday- Group Indoor Cycling 5:00-5:45PM and maybe yoga if I’m feeling froggy
Tuesday/Thursday- Lifting at gym and C25K with Ranger (Border Collie)
Saturday- “off” day- gardening
Sunday- Run with Ranger after his 1:30 obedience class + AB DAY

Which brings me to diet. My allergy results came back. I am NOT allergic to dairy (so weird!! Charted reaction to that), but I AM allergic to peanuts and showed signs of a gluten intolerance. Because of this, my doctor recommended a try a low-processed diet. Enter 100 Days of Real Food. Now I don’t know if I will go a hundred days, but this site has some excellent recipes and tips.

Between the diet and the exercise plan (which has been working out pretty great the last few weeks), I should be bikini-ready by September! Taking my “before” photos tomorrow! (Even though I technically started the workout portion, I haven’t been strict on diet so we will call this week the “beginning”)

HIIT class tomorrow morning and, though I hate getting up at 5am to make it in time, I love the class and feeling so sore afterwards!

In other news, Ranger has learned 5am = wake up and breakfast   and now makes sure I dont sleep in. -_-